St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Building Our Spiritual Home
Dear Parishioners,
Our parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux is a place of encounter. We encounter the Lord in the Mass, who leads us to the Father, who is love. This moves us to an encounter with one another as fellow Catholics on a journey of faith. We support, challenge, and pray for one another in our beautiful spiritual home. This year, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our parish.
Over those 30 years, countless stories of faith have passed through the walls of the church, Parish Center, and Administrative buildings. Stories of religious education, Christmas and Easter celebrations, weddings, baptisms, First Communions, funerals, and social gatherings. Hopefully, you have a story of an encounter with Christ here at the parish, or if you are new, you will have one soon. We are all part of the beautiful tapestry of parish life. For this, we gave thanks. This is a place of faith, family, and friends.
I want to invite you to be part of an essential step on the journey in the life of our parish and to participate in the Building Our Spiritual Home campaign. This campaign is meant to support the missionary activity of the daily life of the parish so the story of faith can continue and grow. Your generosity has already allowed us to replace the air conditioning in the church, begin an endowment fund for future financial support, start saving for needed roof repairs, and build a rectory for the parish's priests. For 30 years, we have rented homes, condos, or apartments for the priests. With two assigned priests at the parish and with the possibility of retired priests, we hope to further build on Community Life, Connection, and Witness.
1. Community life is important, and a rectory is built specifically to house men with privacy but also with space for community life. Our design includes four separate living spaces and a guest room. Adding priests could provide extra help for confessions, adoration, devotions, and other sacraments.
2. Connection of the pastor and other priests to the people and the parish is holy ground. We will live on campus, stroll the grounds in the morning and evening, and be more visible and available for the faith journey.
3. Witness and sign to the people of God - A rectory on site gives people a sense that the priests are part of the campus. The rectory can become a place for dinners and events that build community.
I want everyone to participate. Your support, whether through a financial gift or prayer, will make a difference. Thank you to everyone who has already given. We have almost reached the goal, and with this new effort, we plan to complete our parish campus. Being part of this community is a joy, and I look forward to the next step on the journey. As a people of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, we have been and will continue to be blessed in many ways.
Peace and love in Him,
Rev. Fredrick Adamson
Pastor | St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Naming Opportunities and Pledge Card

Please make checks payable to THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION AND Indicate "Building Our Spiritual Home" on the memo line.
- Barry Markl - blmgolf2@gmail.com
- Carolyn Rock - rockcarolynb@gmail.com