One of my favorite Biblical stories about giving is the miracle of Jesus feeding five thousand with five loaves and two fish (John 6:1-15). A large crowd came to see Jesus and He was moved with compassion and saw that the crowd was hungry. Testing the disciples He asked, “Where are we to buy bread for them to eat?” The Apostle Phillip responds to Jesus that even two hundred days wages wouldn’t be enough to buy bread for everyone. The Apostle Andrew finds a boy with five loaves and two fish but responds “what help will they be among so many?” With the materials provided, Jesus perform a miracle to feed the masses that when everyone had eaten enough there were twelve baskets of fragments and five barley loaves left over.
Excelling in giving doesn’t require you to have a “wealth” prerequisite. In fact, it begins with your willingness to act and provide. In this scripture, it was one little boy in the crowd of over 5,000 who had been chosen by God to be a significant piece of the Messiah’s redemptive plan. In the act of providing and giving “five loaves and two fish” the boy served God who’s miracle not only filled the needs of the crowd at that moment in human history but his act became a humble and integral part of biblical teaching that continues to feed generations with the Word of God today.
The mission of your church is very important as it serves to bring people to Christ. You can help ensure that your parish is there to serve others for years to come by donating to your Parish Endowment Fund.
Endowment Funds provide much needed financial funds for expanding missionary work or can help cover regular parish costs or special capital needs (such as roof replacement and more). This helps sustain the parish over time and will allow your parish to focus on its missionary work today and worry less about long term funding needed tomorrow.
Like the boy with five loaves and two fish, we are never without anything to offer. We can all provide and be the vehicle for God’s ongoing miracles everyday, so long as we participate.